Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Divergence in Question

I feel quite a bit like this photo I took (Youngstown how I love you in all your broken  beauty): paths diverging.  What path to go down? (Metaphorically I am like that abandoned train; left on the tracks, stalled, violated by outsiders...maybe I'm riddled with so much regret that I can't seem to further myself).

I've always enjoyed this quote from Alice in Wonderland about being indecisive.  When you truly don't know about something it renders it useless.  Does it matter where you end up if you aren't cognizant of where your ultimate destination is?  I don't think it does.  Indecisiveness can be helpful in some ways in that it's like you're clay that can be molded, reshaped, made into something beautiful.  Or maybe you've just become so far lost that no matter what path you choose, you just keep walking aimlessly.  Please let me hit some goals/strides.  I really need to reframe my thoughts and thinking. 

Word of the Day: Defenestration
Song of the Day: "Thanks for Everything" by Dismantled (Gary Zon's lyrics are always quite cynical/biting but I enjoy them when in the mood)

Because now you can fear that gut microbes are invading your eyes.  You're welcome.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Prima Scriptura

It's difficult to describe all that I want to encompass in a first post.  Generally, I would go off on many tangents/ramblings as I feel necessary though I need to be more cohesive and coherent.  Sidenote: isn't it lovely how google has a monopoly on the internet?  Everything has to be linked to your gmail account.  I am NOT a fan of this.  It is what it is though as I don't necessarily have the overwhelming need to want to host my own site for blogging purposes.

This entire blog will be dedicated to my ramblings and innermost thoughts as I have much I need to get out and due to a recent accident, I've been having trouble verbalizing my thoughts and feelings.  I figure this will give me a springboard to clear my head space in all that I'm thinking.  I will update on daily activities as well but those have been few and far between since the accident...

I know the resiliency of the human body and mind are greatly admirable but there are physical and mental states that sometimes cannot be overcome.  I do not want to be pessimistic.  I will fight the fight even if it leaves me mentally drained and exhausted each day.  I will not be a statistic or fall victim to negative past behaviors.  This is overwhelming, yes, but it's a journey that I want to chronicle and let everyone know about.  The details will be vague at first but I will open up more to what has happened during my 28 years of life and how I've made multiple mistakes but now seek to live a pure and fulfilling existence (the term pure is relative to who is reading this but I mean pure in the sense of not constraining myself to negative outside influences or following false constructs).

You will learn more about me as my daily narratives unfold...I am not this serious in real life, I promise.  In essence, I just want to chronicle what I am doing at the moment so I have concrete evidence of how I'm progressing daily.  Also, there are things I do not want to forget so having them here will prove helpful even when I'm in a helpless circumstance.

Word of the Day: sanguine (which is probably the opposite of what I am right now, that's okay)
Song of the Day: "Asleep" by The Smiths (melancholic but I think Morrissey describes the human condition all too well)
Currently reading: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt

My concept of word of the day comes from my logophilia (or love of words).

SCIENCE!  This is about hair analysis/evidence and how people get wrongly convicted by the FBI because they did not use the science behind it properly (Do you wonder how many wrongly convicted murderers are behind bars right now?  I do):